The weather outside is indeed frightful, so I have had to master the PATH for getting place to place. While this subterranean labyrinth at one time terrified me, it has now become my refuge from the ice-wind tunnels that blast between the skyscrapers.
Frost bitten cheeks aside, I have to say, this is one of my favourite times of year! Not only are all the Bay Street lobbies rivaling each other with festive trees and holiday garlands, MBers are even adding a personal touch to their workspaces! And mastering the PATH has given me great ideas for this week’s blog: gift ideas for favourite current or future articling students!
Articling students at this time of year might be too busy to properly clothe themselves, scrimping to pay off those law school loans, or even saving up to buy presents for the people who helped them get to where they are today. So, it may be nice to give or get something a little special that will be equal in panache and practicality. To help you buy for a friend or create your own list, the following is some of my favourite things:
To help you buy for a friend or create your own list, the following is a few of my favourite things... |
- Tote with Wheels – great for weekend trips, commutes to various courts in the city and province, and when you need to take a little work home.
- Stylish Flats – let’s face it, running shoes paired with suit or dress just isn’t going to cut it. But running to court or around the office in a pair of heels is a liability, and articling students need to stay in tip-top shape for six more months!
- Gym Membership or Gift Certificate for a massage – this will keep busy articling students in at the top their game mentally and physically.
- Handsome Portfolio – we are always jotting things down on our note pads, might as well look good doing it!
- Mug of Epic Proportions – whether it is full of coffee, tea, or smoothies, it will come in handy for long days.
- Chic Toiletry Bag – with a tooth brush, hair brush, hand cream, and other goodies, this is nice to have if you are on a big project, a windy trip to the courthouse, or onions in your lunch.
- Top Coat / Pea Coat – when the seasons start to transition, and you reach for the big coat you used to wear back and forth to class, it might become apparent that you do not have the most industry appropriate outerwear. You, present or future worker bee, might need an addition to your winter collection.
- Tablets – for those with bigger budgets, tablets are great for note taking and reading from the couch, on the train, while in a meeting, etc. There are all kinds of helpful apps specifically designed for lawyers. Plus they double as a fun gadget you can kick back with around the holidays!
Emily C.