Thursday 15 October 2015

Brushing your Teeth in the Shower: Time Management

Top Ten Practical Tips for Incoming Articling Students

1. Set Realistic Expectations – and then Beat Them: Better to say no than to disappoint. If you have conflicting deadlines, too much work or too little work, see your articling principal.

Time Management and Developing Your Reputation Amongst Your Colleagues.

2. Reputation. Reputation. Reputation: How you are perceived matters. Lawyers talk. Let your work product speak for itself.

3. Seek Out Work and Stay Involved in the File: If you assisted a lawyer with a discrete assignment on a file, ask if you can assist with the next task on the file. Be persistent (and polite).

4. Master the Art of Research: Knowledge is power. Do not discount research assignments. Be thorough. Reputation is on the line with clients, opposing counsel and the court.

5. Form and Presentation Matter: How to Shadow Draft like a Chameleon.

6. Be Prepared - Read the Rules of Civil Procedure Before You Ask Questions: Lawyers expect and welcome questions regarding a particular assignment. Showing them you have thought about the issue and tried answering it yourself prior to asking the question sets you apart from other students.

7. Putting All Your Eggs in One Basket and “Repeat Business”: A Delicate Balance.

photo courtesy of ambro on free digital photos8. Roll with the Punches: We all make mistakes. Learn from them, minimize them, move on.

9. Build Your Profile: Think Long-Term. Case comments and publishing online. Market yourself and your firm. Social media pitfalls.

10. Relax and Have Fun: Carve out personal time for friends and family. Manage expectations out of the office.

Guest Writer David E., Associate Lawyer

First presented at the Toronto Lawyers Association's 5th Annual Articling Students Head Start Program titled "What you can do to make yourself indispensable and invaluable".